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外國學生專班 International Programs

發布日期 2024-02-05 17:28:00

中文介紹 Mandarin Introduction 介紹 簡章
英文介紹 English Introduction 介紹 簡章
馬來語介紹 Malay Introduction 介紹 簡章
越南文介紹 Vietnamese Introduction 介紹 簡章
中文介紹 Mandarin Introduction 介紹 簡章
英文介紹 English Introduction 介紹 簡章
馬來語介紹 Malay Introduction 介紹 簡章
越南文介紹 Vietnamese Introduction 介紹 簡章

申請流程How to register:

1. 報名連結 Application Website Link https://web3.wzu.edu.tw/oc50_1907/index.php?c=registration&act=activity_list


2. 招生訊息 Admission Information


Application Deadline for International Programs in the 113th Academic Year: The Registration has been extended to July 25 Thursday, 2024.

3. 財力證明基準 (3,500元美金)Financial proof (USD$3,500)

1. 銀行提供之正式文件,需足以支付外籍生在台學習費用。
2. 提供全額獎學金或援助之政府、高等教育機構或民間組織提供之聲明。
*備註:印尼申請者在申請簽證時需提供 5,000 美元之財力證明或提供政府、高等教育機構或民間組織獎學金文件。
a. Officially offered by a bank to support an international student's study in Taiwan.
b. A statement offered by a government, institution of higher learning, or civic organization providing full scholarship or aid.
*Remarks: For Indonesian applicants, please provide financial proof of USD 5,000 or a scholarship document from a government, institution of higher learning, or civic organization when applying for the visa.


4. 獎學金

1. 本校提供外國學生獎助學金,申請辦法與規定請參考招生簡章附件七、八。
2. 獎學金內容依每學年度本校編列之預算而定,擇優獎助「全額獎助學金」、「半額獎助學金」、「25%獎助學金」、「20%獎助學金」以及「15%獎助學金」,得不足額錄取。


We offer scholarships for foreign students. Please refer to Attachment-7 and -8 in the admission information for application methods and regulations.
The undersigned applicant satisfies the Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan as an international student. I guarantee that I have neither overseas Chinese status nor R.OC. citizenship as referred to in Article 2 of the Nationality Act, or have I been an R.O.C. national in the last eight years.

5. 入學語言能力門檻 Admission language requirements


*應屆高中畢業生,得有條件以最低中文門檻為CEFR的A1(含以上)程度,相等於TOCFL A1(level 1) , HSK Level 3(Novice High)入學,惟其應於大一第2學期開始前取得A2級(含)以上證明,否則應予開除學籍。

TOCFL A2(Level 2) , HSK Level 4(Intermediate High)。程度,相等於)含以上A2(CEFR入學最低中文門檻為 *非應屆畢業生

Programs conducted in Chinese:

*The minimum Chinese proficiency test score for incoming high school graduates, conditional admission is possible with a Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) score of A1 level or above of CEFR, e.g., TOCFL  A1 (Level 1), HSK Level 3(Novice High). However, students must obtain a TOCFL score of A2 or above by the beginning of their second semester of freshman year, otherwise, they will be dismissed from the program.

*The minimum Chinese proficiency test score for non-fresh graduates from Form 5 or Upper Form 6 for entry should be A2 level or above of CEFR, e.g., TOCFL A2 (LEVEL 2), HSK Level 4(Intermediate High).

6. 112學年度外國學生一般專班學雜費收費標準及退費基準表

Standards for Charging Tuition and Incidental Fees of the 2023 Academic Year of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages and Criteria Table of Tuition Fee Refund


Admission brochure, procedure, and acceptance information are in the following admission brochure.

8. 113學年度外國學生專班 入學申請






20240101日至2024 0725








2024 09 月中旬



113 Academic Year
International Programs

Admission Schedule





January 1, 2024 to July 25, 2024

Review or Screening

Before August 05, 2024

Announcement of admission list

Before August 15, 2024

Send scores and admission notices

Before August 20, 2024

Semester Begins

Mid-September 2024

Note: If this schedule is subject to change, please refer to the announcement on the school website.

Program Curriculum
Coming Soon



*Our school admits international students and manages the entire recruitment process independently. We do not authorize any external agencies, legal entities, groups, or individuals to handle the recruitment process other than promotion of the school, provision of consultation, preparation of authenticated documents, and any other necessary procedures involved in the application process.