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Regulations on Service Hours for International Student Scholarship Program

● 文藻外語大學外國學生獎學金受獎生服務時數管理要點 Guidelines for Foreign Student Scholarship Applications at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages 
● 文藻外語大學外國學生獎學金作業要點 Guidelines for Foreign Student Scholarship Applications at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
● 文藻外語大學境外生助學金設置要點 Regulations for the Establishment of Scholarships for Overseas Students at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages


境外生就學、輔導相關法規 Regulations Related to Overseas Student Enrollment and Counseling
● 文藻外語大學境外生輔導辦法 Guidelines for Overseas Student Counseling at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages 
  外國學生來臺就學辦法 Regulations for Foreign Students Studying in Taiwan
文藻外語大學招收僑生及港澳生來臺就學單獨招生規定 Regulations for Separate Admissions of Overseas Chinese and Students from Hong Kong and Macau at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages in Taiwan 
● 僑生回國就學及輔導辦法 Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students Returning to Their Home Country for Study and Counseling
● 大陸地區人民來臺就讀專科以上學校辦法 Regulations for People from Mainland China Studying at Tertiary and Higher Educational Institutions in Taiwan

● 文藻外語大學外國學生入學規定 Admission Regulations for International Students at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages 

境外生於台實習、工作相關法規 Regulations Regarding Internship and Employment in Taiwan for Overseas Students
●   外國專業人員工作許可申辦網  EZ Work Permit

勞動基準法    Labor Standard Act

其他法規 Other Regulations

●  居留證申請網站 ARC Application Website 

● 中華民國刑法 The Criminal Code of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

● 毒品危害防制條例 Narcotics Hazard Prevention

● 菸害防制法 Tobacco Hazards Prevention

● 著作權法 Copyright