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文藻外語大學 華語暨外語創意歌唱比賽 參賽者名單及表演順序公告 Announcement of Participants' List and Performance Order for the Mandarin and Foreign Language Creative Singing Competition

發布日期 2023-10-23 17:35:00

文藻外語大學 華語暨外語創意歌唱比賽 參賽者名單及表演順序公告

參賽者名單及表演順序已公告於SOSA Instagram (wzusosa)和臉書粉專,並同步寄到各位參賽者信箱,請參賽者檢查自己報名時填寫的信箱是否收信成功。




Wenzao Chinese and Foreign Language Singing Contest List and Performance Order Announcement
Dear all, 

The contestant list and performance order have been announced on the SOSA Instagram (wzusosa)and Facebook fan page, and have also been sent been sent simultaneously  to the email addresses of all participants. Please check whether the email address you provided during registration has successfully received the message.

In response to the enthusiastic participation and the extended registration period, we have decided to extend the event duration until approximately 6:00 PM.

Whether you are participating or not, you're welcome you to invite your friends to the event and join in the exciting popularity vote!

If you have any questions, please contact SOSA Office before 10/25 (Wednesday)

Thanks again for joining this contest, can't wait to see your wonderful performance!

*聯絡人Contact :施懿真 Zoe Shih

*電話Phone :07-342-6031#2643
