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Yap Zhao Xian testimonial

發布日期 2023-03-27 22:45:00

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Name 姓名

Yap Zhao Xian 葉兆賢

Nationality 國籍

Malaysia 馬來西亞

Current Program 就讀科系

Department of Japan 日文系

Words from student-Mandrain 學生學習感想-中文


Words from student-English 學生學習感想-英文

I would choose Wenzao University because of its diverse campus environment. Even though we are only in Taiwan, we can see people from many different countries communicating with each other and learning from each other. Wenzao also has many courses for foreign students, and there are courses taught entirely in English. All these make me feel that I have chosen the right school. I think Wenzao University is well prepared in many aspects as a foreign language university. If you are interested in languages, Wenzao University of Languages is the best choice.