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Jan Filipp testimonial

發布日期 2023-03-27 22:33:00

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Name 姓名

Jan Filipp 張元帥

Nationality 國籍

Poland 波蘭

Current Program 就讀科系

International Business Administration 國際企業管理系

Words from studen-English 學生學習感想-英文

There was no plan at the beginning. I was going to take Chinese classes for two semesters and go back to Europe, richer by one adventure. Not everything went along the plan..The past few years have been filled with a variety of enriching experiences. Since I came here for the first time in 2017, I have been able to observe both the development of Taiwan as a country and my own growth over the time that I have got to spend here. The people I have come across, skills I have learnt, and inspirations taken from this reality, changed my juvenile adventure into a dream come true. The past few years have been filled with a variety of enriching experiences. Since I came here for the first time in 2017, I have been able to observe both the development of Taiwan as a country and my own growth over the time that I have got to spend here. The people I have come across, skills I have learnt, and inspirations taken from this reality, changed my juvenile adventure into a dream come true.“When in Rome, act as the Romans do” – people say. Nevertheless, ever since I came here, I have never felt compelled to fully immerse. Which was definitely different to what I was used in Europe. There is a set of challenges that every expatriate must face once abroad, but Taiwan makes it easier for one to adjust since there is no obligation to fully adjust. Personally, I only became interested in Taiwanese culture after a year in, and I felt the urge to do so out of freedom. It is rarely expected of foreigner citizen to live up to the same norms as the locals but it is definitely really appreciated.Another thing that is really appreciated is when you learn the local language. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to master everything by the time you make it here to have others’ respect. It is mostly about the attitude – curiosity, how you improve overtime and the impression of an active learner. But even without the language, it is a pleasant experience to be here and try to figure out a whole new world on your own.There are countless attractions to see in Taiwan – the Chinese heritage that has evolved in a unique way, breath-taking mountainous landscapes (distinct for each part of the island), three different climate zones on one small island. All that at the mere cost of affordable train tickets that can be accessed with one versatile “Easy Card” (public transportation card system).I am in the last year of my degree now and honestly hate to part with my school. At the same time, I see how many opportunities this place has to offer, regardless of whether I decide to settle down in here or leave for another direction in the world.