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Jessica testimonial

發布日期 2023-03-27 22:29:00

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Name 姓名

Jessica 江雪佳

Nationality 國籍

Indonesia 印尼

Current Program 就讀科系

B.A Department of German 德國語文系

Words from student-English 學生學習感想-英文

Compared to other universities in Taiwan, I believe that Wenzao University has the most diverse campus environment, which is a good support for my learning process. I have the chance to meet other students and professors from different countries with different backgrounds and culture, from whom I can learn so many things. I have been enjoying my pretty balanced university life for 2.5 years now. Not only studying or hearing lectures in the classroom, I have also participated in many cultural exchange programs and events, some of which were conducted by Wenzao SOSA. I met many wonderful people through these events. Exchanging thoughts and opinions is an essential learning method and it has widened my knowledge and my paradigm. Other than cultural events, there are also other volunteer programs I have participated in. Of course, these programs offer different learning experience. Wenzao University has many more programs and events; the university has always been giving chances for the students to improve each one of them.