Rommero testimonial
發布日期 2023-03-07 13:16:00
Name 姓名
Rommero Robertus
Nationality 國籍
Indonesia 印尼
Current Program 就讀科系
B.A Department of International Business 國際企業管理系
Words from student-Mandrain 學生學習感想-中文
在文藻學習對我來說可能是一次改變人生的經歷。它徹底改變了我的生活,因為多年來它幫助我改善了我的性格和心態。 我不僅從學校的科目/班級中學習,還從文藻周圍的環境、活動和志工活動中學習。我要感謝文藻給了我幫助人們成長的機會。
Words from student-English 學生學習感想-英文
Studying in Wenzao is probably a life changing experience for me. It changed my life completely because it helped me to improve my personality and mindset for years now. I learned not only from the subjects/classes in school but also the environment, activities, and volunteers around Wenzao. I would like to thank Wenzao for the given opportunity to help people to grow as a person.