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歡迎外籍生踴躍填寫SIT人才資料庫問卷!All International Students Are Encouraged to Fill Out the Taiwan Alumni Database Survey!

發布日期 2022-05-30 14:30:00

SIT(Study in Taiwan)人才資料庫計畫為鼓勵及輔導外籍畢(結)業生在臺發展,本計畫辦公室定期發布英文電子報,提供最新就業機會及相關訊息;與經濟Contact Taiwan合作定期舉辦就業媒合會,協助外籍人才職涯發展更加順利;並辦理您感興趣之主題講座及活動,更加豐富您在臺的留學生活。


SIT(Study in Taiwan)人才資料庫計畫誠摯地邀請您填寫以下問卷,以便提供電子報及相關資訊給您。

SIT (Study in Taiwan) Database regularly publishes English e-newsletters, which provides the latest job vacancies and related information to encourage graduated foreign students to establish and develop their careers in Taiwan. Furthermore, the SIT Database collaborates with the “Contact Taiwan” of the Ministry of Economic Affairs to provide regular one-on-one employment meetings to expand your career opportunities. SIT Database also promotes some events and lectures you are interested to further enrich your studying life in Taiwan.

Based on the spirit of education and service, and the business defined in the Organization Act, and for management, statistical investigation, analysis of information and database management and improving quality of future service, you are requested to provide some personal information. Your signature will be saved in the database only.

We sincerely invite you for filling up the following survey to get SIT E-Newsletter and the latest information.

英文問卷 English version: https://sitdatabase.moe.gov.tw/SITWEB/Sign_EN.aspx
中文問卷 Chinese version: https://sitdatabase.moe.gov.tw/SITWEB/Sign_CH.aspx